The Power of Legends > #4

Chapter 4: Ahmed, Karim, and Sofia confront Hassan at his secret hideout. A fierce battle ensues, with Ahmed using the power of the artifact to defend his friends. Despite Hassan's efforts to overpower them, Ahmed's determination and the support of his allies prove stronger. Hassan is defeated and the artifact is safely retrieved.
Hassan, your reign of terror ends here! Release Amina and surrender the artifact peacefully, or face the consequences!
You fools! I will never surrender to the likes of you! Prepare to meet your doom!
Stay focused, Ahmed! We can defeat him if we work together!
I won't let you harm my friends, Hassan! Prepare to face the full power of the artifact!
Ahmed, remember to stay balanced in your use of the artifact. Unleash its power wisely.
You think you're so powerful, Ahmed? I'll show you what real power looks like!
I've faced greater adversaries than you, Hassan. Your evil will not prevail!
With a wave of his hand, Ahmed summons a mighty gust of wind, sending Hassan's minions flying.
Enough of this! I will crush you all with the force of a thousand storms!
Hassan conjures a massive tornado, aiming to suck Ahmed and his allies into its swirling vortex.
We must stand firm, everyone! Use the artifact's power to protect yourselves!
I summon the power of the earth to create a shield! We won't be defeated!
Karim raises his hands and the ground beneath them rises, forming an impenetrable barrier.
The time has come, Ahmed. Use the artifact to strike back and defeat Hassan once and for all.
With the power of the artifact, I summon lightning to strike down our enemy!
A bolt of lightning shoots from the artifact, striking Hassan directly and weakening his hold on the tornado.
No... It can't end like this... I won't... be defeated!
Your reign of darkness ends now, Hassan. Surrender or face the consequences.
I... I surrender... Take your precious artifact... Just spare me!
With Hassan defeated and subdued, Ahmed, Karim, and Sofia retrieve the artifact and free Amina.
Amina, are you alright? We're safe now.
Thank you all for saving me! I knew you would come for me.
We couldn't let evil prevail, Amina. We're a team, and we'll always have each other's backs.
Well done, Ahmed. You have proven your skill and your heart. The artifact is now in safe hands.
Thank you, Sofia. None of this would have been possible without your guidance.
With Hassan defeated and the artifact safely retrieved, Ahmed and his friends return to their village as heroes, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.