Read or Dream is a Japanese manga series written by Hideyuki Kurata and illustrated by Ran Ayanaga. It was serialized in Shueisha's seinen manga magazine Ultra Jump from October 19, 2002, to May 19, 2005, with its chapters collected in four tankÅbon volumes. In North America, the series was licensed for English release by Viz Media in 2006. The 'Paper Sisters Detective Company' consists of three young women who live in Hong Kong: Anita King, Michelle Cheung and Maggie Mui (they are not blood relations, but treat each other like sisters). Maggie, Michelle, and Anita are papermasters, meaning they can telekinetically manipulate paper to do anything they want, such as creating bullets or using origami creatures for surveillance and battle. With these powers, they protect the city from various evildoers and solve mysteries along the way.