Clover is a manga series created by Clamp, set in a dystopian future where a race of children with special powers called the 'Clovers' are targeted by the government. The story follows Sue, a young girl who is a 4-leaf Clover and possesses the ability to manipulate technology. Classified by their power, the Clovers are tattooed with a symbol indicating their abilities. Sue, along with other Clovers, is imprisoned to prevent her from endangering national security. She longs for human connection and wishes to visit 'Fairy Park'. Her escort is Kazuhiko, a former soldier, and their connection is revealed to be connected to Kazuhiko's deceased lover. The manga was serialized in Kodansha's Amie from 1997 to 1999 and remains unfinished. It was licensed for an English release by Tokyopop and later by Dark Horse Manga. The series received praise for its artwork and atmosphere, but criticism for its thin plot and characterization.