Beet the Vandel Buster is a Japanese manga series about a young boy named Beet who becomes a Vandel Buster to protect humans from demon-like Vandels. The series ran from 2002 to 2006 and resumed in 2016. It was also adapted into a 52-episode anime series. The story is set in the Dark Ages, where Vandels have been attacking humans. Beet's dream is to join the Zenon Warriors, the strongest group of Vandel Busters. After an attack on his village, Beet decides to take on the Vandels and end the Dark Ages. Along his journey, he is joined by his childhood friend Poala, and together they become the Beet Warriors. The manga has been published in English by Viz Media and has a large fanbase. With its engaging story and memorable characters, Beet the Vandel Buster is a must-read for fans of adventure and fantasy manga.