The Cat Returns is a 2002 Japanese animated fantasy film directed by Hiroyuki Morita. It is a spin-off of Whisper of the Heart and stars Chizuru Ikewaki, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Tetsu Watanabe, Yosuke Saito, Aki Maeda, and TetsurÅ Tamba. The film tells the story of Haru Yoshioka, a high school student with the ability to talk to cats, who is taken to the Cat Kingdom and must find a way to escape and return to the human world. The film received positive reviews from critics and was a commercial success in Japan. It was dubbed in English by Walt Disney Pictures and released on DVD in 2005. A manga adaptation of the film, titled Baron: The Cat Returns, was also published. The Cat Returns is a charming and magical animated film suitable for all ages.